Hello and welcome to 2011! Oh yes, and welcome to my new blog. I hope you will enjoy reading this blog as much as I anticipate writing it!
Why I Write:
There are so many things today that can make us concentrate on the negative. The political climate, economic uncertainty, environmental changes, and even aspects of daily life like our bank balance vs. our expenses, our physical or emotional health, or the list of household duties that seems to never end can all weigh heavily on our minds. My goal is to provide you with something inspiring, encouraging or uplifting; I want to give you something good to think about.
I chose to call this blog Pink Katydid because pink katydids (they really do exist) are a rare find, and my hope is that this blog will stand out as unique and interesting.
About the Author:
I am a woman who wants to inspire good feelings in my readers. I am in my early thirties. I am the wife of a librarian and mother to a delightful young son, Lucas.
I look forward to writing about uplifting subjects, moments of inspiration, and the big and not so big things that bring us joy.